Английский язык
15.04.2020 17:48

1match the antonyms. [customers, in fashion, comfortable, win, opponents, score.][teammate, cashier, miss, old-fashioned, lose, inconvenient].

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4,8(56 оценок)
15.04.2020 01:40
In fashion - old-fashioned comfortable - inconvenient win - lose customers - cashier opponents - teammate score - miss
4,8(37 оценок)
15.04.2020 19:51

1 have done

2 will begin

3 has stopped

4 have already solved

5 came

6 have never spoken

7 has just finished

8 have you made

9 was

10 did you meet

11 haven't seen

12 have you gathered

13 did you put

14 began

15 have you read

16 haven't seen

17 did you put

18 have you left

19 haven't met;   have grown

20 did you read when you lived

21 haven't come

22 was ill;     has recovered

23 has read

24 have you booked;   yes, i have.     i

25 haven't seen you since you left   moscow;   have changed 

4,8(77 оценок)
15.04.2020 02:30

1. kirill was sick of my class, he had a runny nose and a strong cough, for this he drank cough pills and used nasal drops.

2. natasha was ill, the temperature was below 39, she survived as best she could, and the pill used a thermometer.

3. sick seed, lying in the hospital, he was fed the right diet and watered with special pills doctors.

4. from my class, zhanna was sick, because she drank pills, she was pumped out in intensive care unit and put in an insane asylum.

5. from my class suzanna was sick, the disease was called down, went to the doctors and was treated by a psychologist.

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