Английский язык
02.01.2022 11:49

Образуйте от данных прилагательных наречия и подберите пары антонимов. early, bad, late, good, hard, slow, easy, fast.

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4,4(60 оценок)
02.01.2022 08:40
Early - lately badly - goodly lately - early goodly - badly hardly - easily slowly - fast easily - hardly fast - slowly ряд наречий, такие как fast, long, straight, early, daily и т.д. не отличаются по форме от соответствующих им прилагательных
4,5(63 оценок)
02.01.2022 21:43

True, False or Not mentioned?

1. True, False or Not mentioned?

1. The teacher says that there is bullying in both German and English schools. True

2. German students don’t have to wear a uniform. false

3. In German schools students sometimes cheat in exams.

4. German and British students have to get up early in the morning.True

5. The teacher believes it’s a wonderful thing to wear uniform. False

6. German kids can wear their normal jeans and T-shirts. true

Last year I worked in a German secondary school as an English teacher. There I made sure that German schools were different from British schools. Here are the three main differences between British and German secondary schools.

In Britain pupils start school about 9 am. However, in Germany students have to be in their classes at 7.35 am. So, they have to wake up very early. It’s very tiring.

British students usually eat their breakfast before coming to school. However, German students eat their breakfast after the first lesson of the day. They usually have a yoghurt, some fruit and sandwiches.

British pupils often wear uniform and ties to school. However, German kids can wear their normal jeans and T-shirts. In my opinion, this is the coolest thing about German schools!

As you can see, there are many differences between British and German schools. However, these two types of schools are not very different! After all, all pupils have to be on time, take exams and do their homework! Some things never change …




2. German students don’t have to wear a uniform.

3. In German schools students sometimes cheat in exams.

4. German and British students have to get up early in the morning.

5. The teacher believes it’s a wonderful thing to wear uniform.

6. German kids can wear their normal jeans and T-shirts.

Last year I worked in a German secondary school as an English teacher. There I made sure that German schools were different from British schools. Here are the three main differences between British and German secondary schools.

In Britain pupils start school about 9 am. However, in Germany students have to be in their classes at 7.35 am. So, they have to wake up very early. It’s very tiring.

British students usually eat their breakfast before coming to school. However, German students eat their breakfast after the first lesson of the day. They usually have a yoghurt, some fruit and sandwiches.

British pupils often wear uniform and ties to school. However, German kids can wear their normal jeans and T-shirts. In my opinion, this is the coolest thing about German schools!

As you can see, there are many differences between British and German schools. However, these two types of schools are not very different! After all, all pupils have to be on time, take exams and do their homework! Some things never change …




4,7(72 оценок)
02.01.2022 21:43

Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the verbs in the box.

build have involve raise boost increase improve

1 When I want to my mood, I go running.

2 Did you know laughing can ___ your blood

5 Choose the correct words.

1 Perhaps some light exercise could / must relieve

the pain.

2 He fell asleep at his desk! He might / must have been exhausted.

3 Ann isn’t here. She must / can’t have forgotten.

4 You don’t have to / shouldn’t exercise when

you don’t feel well.

5 She’s walking to school. She might / can’t have missed the bus.

6 He can’t / could have gone home. He’s left his bag on the chair.

7 We mustn’t / don’t have to learn Chinese.

8 Tania’s in Spain. You must / could have seen

someone else.



3 My dad doesn’t

the discipline to run a


4 She’s very shy. I think she needs help to her


5 Coffee doesn’t

gives a short boost.

6 Our new project

7 There are exercises you can do to your


2 Write the nouns for these words.

your energy for very long. It

a lot of team work.


Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.

suppose have sure might should think

Kate Look at these adverts for the new sports hall, Nick.


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