Английский язык
11.12.2022 09:15

Rewrite each sentence in reported speech,beginning as shown.do not change the meaning.​

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4,6(18 оценок)
11.12.2022 01:00
1.the old castle built five hundred years ago belongs to the university. 2. the holidaymakers wearing light clothes walked along the beach. 3. the lands discovered by columbus were rich in gold. 4. the children, excited by the news, shouted *hoorah! * three times. 5. the hedges dividing the fields were getting yellow. 6. the young lady standing at the door looked very attractive. 7. the two banks connected by a bridge were high and looked dangerous. 8. the chocolate factory run by mr wonker made the best chocolate in the world. 9. betty smith heard the noise of a child crying. 10. he entered the yard and smelt something burning.
4,7(19 оценок)
11.12.2022 01:00
Old козак, taras бульба, lost both sons. death of ostap in a story "taras бульба" became a tipping point: after that taras disappeared, and through time appeared again with a козачьим army. robbed and burned he is cities, to avenge death of favourite son. reason of death of ostap were inhuman tortures of the polish executioners. ostap was the deserving son of the father. he proved in a fight, among other zaporozhian cossacks was on a good account. in one of battles under a city дубно ostap cruelly took revenge to the polish warriors for that those killed a kuren ataman. козаки impressed by such act choose ostap the new ataman. ostap differed in equanimity, but at the same time and by a reasonableness. he ordered the zaporozhian cossacks to stick to a little rather from the walls of city, that saved lives to many. but ostap will be captivated: a few strongest warriors went at him simultaneously, forces abandoned young козака, and he no longer could resist. the captive zaporozhian cossacks were waited by death. executing of ostap passed in "taras бульбе"
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