Английский язык
17.01.2021 09:00

Вот отрывок письма от подруги по переписи марии(maria)​

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4,4(38 оценок)
17.01.2021 15:00
На языкеперевод на языкmy future professionмоя будущая профессияmy name is svetlana. i am in the seventh grade. there are many different professions in the world, but i want to become a doctor. after finishing school i am going to enter medical institute. it seems to me that it’s my vocation. i like to help people. to become a doctor i must be good at studies because a doctor is needed and responsible profession. we trust doctors the main what we have – our life and that’s why a doctor must be qualified specialist. he must help people at any time of the day. a doctor can’t make a mistake. qualified specialist always diagnoses and institutes therapy correctly. human life often depends on professionalism of a doctor. they must be very heedful and openhearted people. a doctor always must worry about a health of his patient. he must be able to inspire patients with faith. my mother and grandmother are doctors. they are proud of their profession and like it. i consider that a doctor is the best profession.
4,7(2 оценок)
17.01.2021 00:28
The browns and their farm mr and mrs brown are from glasgow.they are not very young.his name was tom.her name is meg. tom and meg have a farm. it is not very big.they have sheep,3 cows,2 horses, 2 pigs and a dog. their cows: black, brown, beefy. their sheep gray.their pigs are pink.they are small and not very clean. bingo, their dog.he's not very young.he's 9. bingo their pet. he's big, strong and good.it has a big krasnyak.mr. and mrs. brown like my dog. the browns from scotland.they speak english.
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