Английский язык
03.08.2022 22:29

Опишите эти две картинки на языке

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4,7(94 оценок)
03.08.2022 17:36
Варианты которые можно вставить в, под каждым предложением. 1)how nice! tomorrow is sunday and we have to  go to school. a) mustn't b) don't have to 2)you   get a good night's sleep before the test. a) must b) have to 3) i to  go to shop. my mum asked me to buy some milk. a) have to b) don't have to 4) i have to  do any homework, i can go to the cinema now. a) mustn't b) don't have to 5)pupils   leave their bicycles near this door. it is a rule. a) mustn't b) don't have to 6) my answer is not correct. redo my homework . a) have to b) don't have to
4,4(40 оценок)
03.08.2022 05:35
Guy fawkes night is annually held on november 5. it is sometimes known as bonfire night and marks the anniversary of the discovery of a plot organized by catholic conspirators to blow up the houses of parliament in london in 1605. many people light bonfires and set off fireworks. some light small bonfires in their own gardens, while other light larger ones in a communal space.  guy fawkes' day is not a public holiday. businesses, organizations and schools are open as usual. some organizations, communities and municipalities may organize public bonfires or displays of fireworks on or around november 5.
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