Английский язык
26.04.2020 23:43

Write about a museum in belarus you would recommend visiting. find additional information.​

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4,8(21 оценок)
26.04.2020 17:00

the belarusian state museum of the history of the great patriotic war is the largest repository of relics of the great patriotic war in belarus.

belarusian state museum of the great patriotic war

founded september 30, 1943 by order of the bureau of the cc cp (b) b. opened on november 7, 1944 [1].

on july 2, 2014, the museum moved to a new building.

founding date

september 30, 1943

opening date

10.00-18.00, day off monday


  belarus, minsk, pr. pobediteley, 8

visitors per year

234 900 people (2012)

4,5(96 оценок)
26.04.2020 16:08
1. it is situated on the british isles. 2. the pupulation of the country is over 60 mln people. 3. the united kingdom consists of four parts:   england, scotland, wales and northern ireland.4. it is washed by the north sea, the irish sea and the athlantic ocean.5. the surface of the british isles varies very much:   scotland is mountainous, wales has a lot of valleys and plains,  the east, centre and south-east is a vast plain.6. the climate of the country is mild.7. перевод выражения:   льет, как из ведра.
4,8(30 оценок)
26.04.2020 16:08
Зимние каникулы - замечательная пора! по всюду снег, все белое и блестящее! хлопья снега падали мне на реснички. я люблю зиму! в зимнии каникулы я каталась на коньках,на лыжах, гуляла, лепила снеговиков, делала снежных ангелов. особенно здорово кататься на коньках! зашнуровываешь конек и вперед! холодный ветер дует в лицо, а ты мчишься вперед на коньках . вечером я особенно любила пить горячий чай и читать книгу, как я делаю обычно.  зимние каникулы мне запомнились , так как было весело!   перевод: winter holidays - a great time! as snow everywhere, all white and shiny! snow flakes falling on my lashes. i like winter! in winter holidays, i skate, skiing, walking, molded snowmen, made snow angels.especially great to skate! skate laces and go! the cold wind blowing in his face, and you mchishsya forward skating.in the evening i especially liked to drink hot tea and read a book, as i do normally.winter holidays, i remember, because it was a lot of fun!
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