Английский язык
21.10.2020 03:59

1. john is a very gifted film director. what is the name of his (last/latest) comedy? and when will his new musical come to the screen? 2. i don't think that any (farther/further) experiments are necessary. 8. boys. which of you is the (oldest/eldest) member of our team? 4. i'm sure we'll meet in the (near/nearest) future. 5. is vladivostok (farther/farthest) from moscow than khabarovsk? 6. when is the (nearest/next) bus to liverpool? jill and rose came into the room. the (latter/later) had a bag in her hand. 8 royand sid are brothers, royis (elder/older) than sid.

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4,5(14 оценок)
21.10.2020 14:39
День празднования рождества - не зависит от . а от того, по какому календарю живут христианские конфессии в данной стране. 25 декабря рождество христово празднует те, кто использует новый стиль (григорианский календарь):   римо-католическая церковь, лютеранские , протестантские западные церкви, а также 11 православных церквей: константинопольская (кроме афона), александрийская, антиохийская, румынская, болгарская, кипрская, элладская, польская, албанская, чешская, американская. 7 января рождество христово празднуют сторонники старого стиля (юлианского календаря):   4 православных церкви - , грузинская, сербская, иерусалимская и монахи греческого афона. а также - древневосточные и некоторые восточно-католические и греко-католические церкви , например греко-католики (униаты) украины.
4,6(86 оценок)
21.10.2020 07:28
Clothing  (also called  clothes) is fiber and textile material worn on the body. the wearing of clothing is mostly restricted to  human beings  and is a feature of nearly all human societies. there is no easy way to determine when clothing was first developed, but some information has been inferred by studying lice. the  body louse  specifically lives in clothing, and diverged from  head lice  about 107,000 years ago, suggesting that clothing existed at that time. the western dress code has changed over the past 500+ years. the mechanization of the  textile industry  made many varieties of cloth widely available at affordable prices. styles have changed, and the availability ofsynthetic fabrics  has changed the definition of "stylish". in the latter half of the 20th century,  blue jeans  became very popular, and are now worn to events that normally demand formal attire.  activewear  has also become a large and growing market. the world of clothing is always changing, as new cultural influences meet technological innovations. researchers in scientific labs have been developing prototypes for fabrics that can serve functional purposes well beyond their traditional roles, for example, clothes that can automatically adjust their temperature, repel bullets, project images, and generate electricity. some practical advances already available to consumers are bullet-resistant garments made with  kevlar  and stain-resistant fabrics that are coated with chemical mixtures that reduce the absorption of liquids.
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