Английский язык
02.09.2022 11:48

1.read the text and say  true or false.twenty four million years ago when our ancestors lived in the tropical forests of central africa, they probably ate plants and fruit, and from time to time a few insects. when this prehistoric people started to travel north into the savannah their diet changed too, and they began to eat a lot of seeds and other plant material. and this is probably how man lived for the next twenty two million years, eating roots, seeds, fruit, nuts, vegetables and occasionally a little meat.how do we know? one important clue is our teeth. just like animals which eat plants, humans have teeth called molars which are need to break down hard food such as seeds.archeologists can also tell us about diets of the past. in fact, we know a lot about the human diet over the last 7,000 years.1.twenty four million years ago when our ancestors lived in the tropical forests of central africa.2.they probably ate only meat.3.just like animals which eat plants, humans have teeth called molars.4.molars need to down hard food such as meat.5.we know a lot about the human diet over the last 10,000 years.2.fill in the gaps with the right form (future simple or to be going to do smth).1.oh, no! look at that plane! it (crash)2.the exam is really difficult. i'm sure i . (fail)3.i believe the weather tomorrow. (be)4.i at 5 o'clock. (leave)3.make up sentences in conditional i.1.the weather will be fine tomorrow.2.we will buy a new house.3.i will pass my exams4. choose the right word.1.we have little/ few time to finish our test.2.i bought much/ a lot of apples for you.3.give me a few/ a little pencils.4.you didn't buy any/ some sausages.

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4,5(37 оценок)
02.09.2022 04:16

1.How many oranges are there in the bag? — Сколько апельсинов в сумке?

How much butter is there in the fridge? — Сколько масла в холо­дильнике?

How much bread is there on the table? — Сколько хлеба на столе?

How many eggs are there in the box? — Сколько яиц в коробке?

How many potatoes are there in the cupboard? — Сколько картошки в шкафу?

2.A: How much bread is there?- Сколько там хлеба?

В: A lot! — Много!

A: How much olive oil is there? — Сколько там оливкового масла?

В: Not much! — Немного!

A: How many eggs are there? — Сколько там яиц?

В: Not many! — Немного!

A: How much cheese is there? — Сколько там сыра?

В: A lot! — Много!

A: How much lemon juice is there? — Сколько там лимонного сока?

В: Not much! — Немного!

A: How many potatoes are there? — Сколько там картошки?

В: Not many! — Немного!

A: How many tomatoes are there? — Сколько там помидоров?

В: Not many! — Немного!

A: How much butter is there? — Сколько там масла?

В: Not much! — Немного!

A: How much pepper is there? — Сколько там перца?

В: A lot! — Много!

A: How many biscuits are there? — Сколько там печенья?

В: A lot! — Много!

4,5(31 оценок)
02.09.2022 09:14
1. we went on a tramp last sunday. 2. will your brother  go to the country with us next sunday? 3. granny isn't cooking dinner now. 4. we cooked our meals on a fire last summer. 5. my sister   washs the dishes every morning. 6. when do you go to school? 7. what will you   prepare for breakfast tomorrow? 8. will you  invite your cousin to stay with you next summer? 9. how did you help your sister last summer? 10. i will send a letter to my friend tomorrow. 11. every morning on the way to school i meet my friends. 12. my friend go to the library every wednesday. 13. he didn't go to the country yesterday. 14. why did you went to the shop yesterday? 15. we will grow tomatoes next summer. 16. what are you doing  now? 17. he is sleeping now. 18. where did your father worked last year? 19. you will go to the south next summer! 20. he didn't watch tv yesterday. 21. yesterday we were writing a test-paper. 22. i bought a very good book last tuesday. 23. my granny didn't buy bread yesterday. 24. what will you buy at the shop tomorrow? 25. don't make noise! father is working.
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