Английский язык
25.01.2023 21:27

1.why do people care about healthy way of life nowadays? 2. how does our health depend on our lifestyle? 3. what can people do to stay healthy? what do you personally do? 4. is sport a hobby or a part of your everyday life? 5. is sport popular in your family? do your parents do sports regularly? 6. why is it important to exercise every day? 7. what bad habits do you know? why are they dangerous?

Лучшие ответы
4,5(7 оценок)
25.01.2023 09:00

1.because they understand that good health is above wealth.

2.if you do exercises you will be fit.you won't be fat.

3. you should eat healthy food and do more exercises. also you must eat fruit and vegetables. they contain nutrients.

4. some people do sport like a hobby. they take part in competitions and win medals, but some people for example run every day to be fit, it's part of their life.

5.no, we usually don't do sport.

6.it can help you to be strong, fit and skinny.

7. smoking, it's one of the most dangerouse habits, it can pollute your lungs.

4,5(12 оценок)
25.01.2023 20:57
A. there are some undesirable forms of (punishment). one of them is not speaking to a kid. it can (hardly) help. it makes children feel (rejected) and angry. this can have a (lasting) impression on a child. even more, it can be a (dangerous) thing which will make a child hate the people who offend him or her like this. instead show the kinds that home is a place where they belong and that they, too, are (important) members of the family b. physical punishment is wrong because of the lesson it teaches kids. what is teaches is: when you are (angry), hit out. no (thinking) about the rights or wrongs of the matter, no (constructing) way out, no keeping your (feelings) under control. we should understand that beating is extremely (harmful) and find some (different) solution for the (situation).
4,5(94 оценок)
25.01.2023 13:09

1) How much butter do you put in this dish?

2) Can I ask you a few questions about your free time? It won't take much time.

3) Pete and Sam don't have a healthy diet — they don't eat any vegetables.

4) Could I have some more water, please?

5) Girls don't eat healthy enough — they need to eat more.

6) How many hours do you spend working on this project every day?

7) A little time for training is good for you, but no more than 30 minutes.

8) My brothers are finishing school this year, so they get a lot of information to learn.

9) Sarah only drinks a few cups of tea a day — maybe two or three.


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