Английский язык
06.05.2022 03:00

Сопоставьте буквы с цифрами 6. who is twice shy? 7. who is king in the kingdom of the blind? 8. why do bagpipers walk when they play? 9. make up a sentence with the word "before"? 10. what do we do with one stone? 11. what is worth two tomorrows? 12. can february march? 13. what do you call santa's helpers? 14. why are you late, johnny? 15. why do witches
have brooms? a. no, but april may. b. one today. c. two plus two be four. d. vacuum cleaners are too heavy! e. there is a sign "school—go slow". f. once bitten. g. all of them! h. one-eyed man. i. kill two birds. j. to get away from the noise. k. subordinate clauses!

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4,4(58 оценок)
06.05.2022 18:52

6. who is twice shy? - f. once bitten.7. who is king in the kingdom of the blind? - h. one-eyed man.8. why do bagpipers walk when they play? - j. to get away from the noise.9. make up a sentence with the word "before"? - c. two plus two be four.10. what do we do with one stone? - i. kill two birds.11. what is worth two tomorrows? - b. one today.12. can february march? - a. no, but april may.13. what do you call santa's helpers? - k. subordinate clauses! 14. why are you late, johnny? - e. there is a sign "school—go slow".15. why do witches have brooms? - d. vacuum cleaners are too heavy! g. all of them! - лишнее

4,5(4 оценок)
06.05.2022 18:21
1olivia is helping children to  teach  at her local school.  2  larry is preparing to take his driving test tomorrow3  pete is learning to speak  french so he can talk to his new customers  in paris4  fiona and chris enjoy playing tennis at the club.  5  steve goes  swimming  at the new pool every saturday afternoon 6  dave pretends to like classical music, but he hates it really7  she does some cleaning before work every day.
4,5(92 оценок)
06.05.2022 18:21
1.  olivia is helping to teach  children at her local school.  2. larry is preparing to take  his driving test tomorrow. we all hope he'll pass.3. pete is learning to speak  french  - so he can talk to his new customers  in paris.4. fiona and chris enjoy playing  tennis at the club.   5. steve goes swimming  at the new pool every saturday afternoon.  6. dave pretends to  like  classical music, but he hates it really.   7. doreen's house is always perfect. she does some cleaning  before work every day.
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