Английский язык
25.01.2021 23:51

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Use the past simple or past continuous. 1 I had a really bad day yesterday. It all started when I (1) (drop) my coffee while I (2) (have) my breakfast. 2 We (3) (not meet) my friends while we (4) (shop) on Saturday. 3 They (5) (take) some money out of the machine when they (6) (hear) a noise. 4 The girl (7) (eat) an ice cream when the monkey (8) (steal) it.

Лучшие ответы
4,8(66 оценок)
25.01.2021 20:10

1. Dropped

2. Was having

3. Didn't meet

4. Were shopping

5. Were taking

6. Heard

7. Were eating

8. Stole.

Объяснение: Надеюсь .

4,6(12 оценок)
25.01.2021 14:11
Уважаемая виктория, из ! ты хотел узнать о моей школе. ну, я иду в начальную школу. мне нравится ходить в школу. в школе нам весело и всем моим одноклассницам приятно. моя школа не большая, но мой класс номер большой. есть класс в зоопарк там! у нас много предметов в школе. я нахожу школе работать легко. мои любимые предметы-искусство, бесплатных, и музыка. я умею читать, но я не силен в орфографии. я ненавижу орфографические тесты. и я не люблю делать мою работу. больше всего я люблю breaktime(ошибка). нравится ли вам ходить в школу? ваша школа большая? какие ваши любимые предметы? есть ли класс информатики (computerclass)-ошибка,  в вашей школе? пишите скорее,
4,8(83 оценок)
25.01.2021 18:31
We often face with difficult choice   in our difficult life. sometimes it happens so difficult that without the help of the close person it is impossible to make the right decision. in life of each person comes the moment of choise of important decisions. who will be able to help us, except the closed one? after all the choice can be incorrect and only the closed person is capable to lead us to the correct way out.our future destiny depends on choise of the correct decision. it is easier to find the correct solution and isn't mistaken, consult with person which you trust. as for me in conversation with the friend we can find   correct solution. from the clash of opinions emerges the truth. in this discussion is born a new light life .
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