Английский язык
08.06.2021 18:51

Нужно поставить определённый артикль the,там где он нужен. arctic ocean caucasus everest hudson bay asia central america gibraltar kalahari desert north pole sakhara bahamas corsica great bear lake ladoga pacific ocean urals

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4,4(63 оценок)
08.06.2021 14:40

the  arctic ocean /the  caucasus\  the  hudson  bay/the  kalahari desert  /  the  north  pole/  the  sahara/the  bahamas  /the  pacific ocean/the  urals

4,5(41 оценок)
08.06.2021 05:10
Вот в других странах рождество встречают несколько иначе, например, в сша его отмечают 25 декабря. у них на рождество принято наряжать ёлку, дарить подарки. все дети ждут, когда к ним приедет санта клаус на санях и подарит подарки.   other countries christmas is celebrated in a different way. for example in the usa christmas day is celebrated on december 25. on this day they decorate a christmas tree and give presents to each other. all children wait for santa claus who will come in sleigh and give presents
4,7(4 оценок)
08.06.2021 14:34
Exercise 4. 1. do not be late! i'll wait for you near the cinema 2. yesterday at 10 o'clock our group to take the exam in history. 3. what was he doing when you come to it? 4. you hurry to class? yes, at 11 o'clock we lecture. 5. where she goes she goes to the library. 6. father home? - a, he works in the garden. 7 do not go in the audience. there students write test papers 8. i want to see the professor smirnov he is not. he has lectured at chitalnom hall 9. who did you write this letter? 10. what do you think?
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