Английский язык
11.02.2020 00:08

Всем хай надо составить по анг.яз текст описать маму можете вот это переделать на .яз (не по переводчику гугл): моей маме 37.у нее светлая кожа.рижие волнистые волосы.она худая.и она у меня красивая ! ну все плачу не плохо.бред не принимаю

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4,7(97 оценок)
11.02.2020 21:40

my mom 37.у her light skin. wavy hair.she is slim . and it i had a very beautiful !

4,4(52 оценок)
11.02.2020 06:55
Seagulls are one of the most famous types of birds, because they are usually can be seen on many beaches on rivers, and lakes, and seas where people gather. there are about sixty different kinds of gulls. gulls are the birds with a complex social organization. all year round they keep in a flock and between them there has developed a complex system of communication links. the sizes of the gulls are also very different. there are kinds of very small birds like a dove, and other species are as big as a goose. they are mostly white in colour; the head is usually black or brown. gulls feed on animal food, which is in the water and on land. they can eat grasshoppers or beetles, escorting tractors in the fields. in certain situations, they can eat small rodents and even squirrels. but mostly gulls eat fish. they swallow it sitting on the water, or grabbing on the fly. they live from 15 to 20 years. to conclude, gulls are beautiful birds and they are a fine ornament of our nature.   чайки-одни из самых известных птиц, потому что их, как правило, можно увидеть на многих пляжах на реках, и озерах, и морях, где собираются люди. существует около шестидесяти различных видов чаек. чайки птицы со сложной социальной организацией. круглый год они держатся в стае, и между ними сложилась сложная система коммуникационных связей. размеры чаек тоже разные. есть несколько видов мелких птиц, как голубь, и других видов, размером с  гуся. они в основном белого цвета, но голова обычно черная или коричневая. чайки питаются животной пищей, которая находится в воде и на суше. они могут есть кузнечиков или жуков, сопровождая трактора на полях. в определенных ситуациях, они могут питаться мелкими грызунами и даже белками. но в основном чайки едят рыбу. они глотают её, сидя на воде, или хватая на лету. они живут от 15 до 20 лет. в заключение, чайки, красивые птицы и они являются прекрасным украшением нашей природы.
4,4(36 оценок)
11.02.2020 08:05

Английский язык по скайпу Темы / Топики Темы 8 класс Генри Форд (Henry Ford)


Henry Ford was born near Dearborn, in the United States, in July 1863. As a boy, he enjoyed playing with clocks and machines. It was a great experience for the person who would create the first affordable car.

Cars had already been built in Europe when Ford tested his first vehicle in 1899. It had wheels like a bicycle’s and a gasoline-powered engine that made it move. It was called a Quadricycle and had only two speeds and no reverse. In four years Ford had started the Ford Motor Company. His ideas about making automobiles would change history.

Carmakers at that time used parts that were made by other companies and put them all together. Ford’s company made every part that went into its cars. What’s more, the company made sure that each kind of part was the same.

In 1908 Ford introduced the Model "T". This car worked well and wasn't expensive. It was a big success, but the company couldn’t manufacture them quickly. In 1913 Henry Ford built a large factory with the conveyor.

Instead of having workers go from car to car, the cars moved gently down a line while mechanics stood in place adding parts to them. Each worker added a different part until a whole car was put together. It helped to produce more cars. By 1918 half of all automobiles in the United States of America were Model "Ts". Ford’s company became the largest machine manufacturer in the world. And Ford had transformed the process of manufacturing

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