Английский язык
19.10.2021 07:06

Complete the centences with suitable gerund: go dancing, go skiing, go running, go there are many expressions with go+ing form ( gerund) like: a) i went yestarday but i didn't buy anything. b) when we were in switzerland we went every weekend. c) he bought a yacht and went in the mediterranean. d) we had a wonderful rest on the beach. we went every day. e) he went every morning. it's useful for health.

Лучшие ответы
4,4(40 оценок)
19.10.2021 09:20

a. shopping 

b. skiing

c. swimming

d. dancing

e. running

4,8(74 оценок)
19.10.2021 08:29
1who went to visither granny in the countre in july? 2 where did she go to visit her granny in july? 3  when did she go to visit her granny in the country? 4 what did she do in the country in july? 1 who stayed with me and play different games till 8 o`clock in the evening? 2 where did they stay? 3 when did they stay with me and play different games? 4 what did they do with me in the evening? i know many   poems and songs my friend can help you when will you go? i`m very busy today what are they doing? they are singing a song about a green crocodile bunny have got long ears and mice have short ears. they were playing in the garden very long  after dinner do you know that little children have to go to bed at half past nine?
4,4(90 оценок)
19.10.2021 01:52

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Öğrenci A: Peru'ya tatile gittive

Öğrenci A: Peru'ya tatile gittiveİnka harabelerini ziyaret etti. Orada İnka tarihini ve kültürünü öğrendin.

Öğrenci A: Peru'ya tatile gittiveİnka harabelerini ziyaret etti. Orada İnka tarihini ve kültürünü öğrendin.Öğrenci B: Yurtdışına gitmedin. Onun yerine bir elektronik mağazasında çalışıyordun. Sen

Öğrenci A: Peru'ya tatile gittiveİnka harabelerini ziyaret etti. Orada İnka tarihini ve kültürünü öğrendin.Öğrenci B: Yurtdışına gitmedin. Onun yerine bir elektronik mağazasında çalışıyordun. Sengelecek yıl yurtdışına seyahat etmek istiyorsun.


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